Smart Agriculture
The technification of agriculture is already something unstoppable. Although agriculture and livestock are usually traditional sectors, monitoring and analysis of information begin to be increasingly important when making decisions, and contributes to generate both economic and environmental sustainability on farms.
Smart farm management
Thanks to the continuous monitoring of environmental parameters, meteorological information from specialized agencies, internal sensors in the farms, consumption of water or food and other aspects, iPlace allows to act intelligently in farms to generate natural or forced ventilation, air renewal, air conditioning or heating depending on the needs. In this way, it generates an environment of comfort for the animals and avoiding deaths due to stress caused by environmental causes.
iPlace allows the possibility of establishing algorithms within the platform (relation water consumption / food consumption) that allow the detection of diseases or anomalies in the behavior by the farmer.
Success Stories: Swine exploitation
Smart irrigation management
iPlace allows the reception of information from cutting-edge sensors that detect the water needs of plants and crops. At the same time, the real-time information provided by the weather forecasting systems allows intelligent decision making. In this way, it is possible to activate the irrigation circuits according to the real needs and the rainfall forecast :optimizing water consumption and stabilizing the need for water in crops. It is watered when and where necessary, without wasting water.
With iPlace the irrigation operation become smart and automated, but also allows the interaction on different irrigation circuits manually, from the web interface itself and the mobile APP.
Precision agriculture is a priority field of action for iPlace. That is why we have made an intensive effort in R&D in this area, with projects like these:
Project in cooperation with the Meat Technology Center and COREN to carry out the automatic classification of beef channels in slaughterhouses. The iPlace platform, together with low cost artificial vision systems, implements a pilot in the NOVAFRIGSA, slaughterhouse, which classifies the channels according to their conformation and fatness, without the need for human intervention, following the current European regulations.
Project that allowssmart management of livestock. With Iplace it is possible to monitor the cattle by GPS and act on them by means of sound, light and electric signals, to confine the animals inside an enclosure or virtual fence. Thanks to this system cattle can be managed in mountain areas, to move it according to the food remotely and in real time.
Project that is currently under development in collaboration with the dairy cooperative CLUN (FEIRACO) and aims to develop different tools that allow us to better manage the farms at different levels. This includes from the detection of abnormalities or strange attitudes in the animals, to the monitoring of silage and the planning of routes for cattle.
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IoT Solutions